My Personal Theorems

This Loulu is a probable decendent of Pritchardia thurstonii (note the infructescences extend beyond the leaf crown)

This Loulu is a probable descendent of Pritchardia pacifica (the infructescences are well within the leaf crown)

Recent findings in the field of archaeology have hinted that mankind had reached a high point of civilization in the Pacific basin some 40,000 years ago.  In geological measures, that is not much time to make much of an impact, or is it?  We are taught to measure geological changes in millions of years, could it actually be that some drastic changes actually happen in much less time.

There is a premise that was promoted by the late Colonel Jame Churchward, in his writings published in the 1930s, that there existed a continent in the Pacific called Lemuria or Mu more than 50,000 years ago.  Sort of a counterpart to the fabled Atlantis.  It is a fact that early Hawaiian folklore refer to the Mu as earlier settlers in Hawaii than they.  It is my own projection that the Polynesians are the descendants of the survivors from Lemuria or Mu which was destroyed in a cataclysmic upheaval of the earth’s crust 40,000 or more years back.  In which case, if the motherland was remembered through cultural folklore carried with them when fleeing the catastrophic destruction and sinking of that Pacific continent, then Hawaii was not just happened upon by the voyaging Polynesians, it was actually sought.  Remnants of Mu were recognized in the mountains of New Zealand (Aotearoa) and Easter Island (Rappa Nui).  These were the mountain ranges of the now sunken Mu or Lemuria.  So the mountain range in the north (Hawaii) would have to be there as well.  Did the loulu survive the catastrophe?  Maybe we need wonder no more how they got to Hawaii.  And maybe yes, they all descend from common stock.

Churchward forwarded the thought that the islands of Hawaii and Maui were the oldest in the chain, pointing out that these two islands  are the only ones with granite, an old rock form.  Geologists take the view that the island chain was formed volcanically: the submerged continental plate gliding over a “hot spot” that produces  volcanic activity and the formation of the islands.  Could both views carry validity?  The volcanic activities would take hundreds of thousands of years or more to form these islands.  The formation of granite would probably take millions of years.  The catastrophic breaking up and sinking of the continent may have taken a few hundred years or even less.  And all of this was the scene here in the Pacific about 50,000 years ago.  The motherland , Mu, the Empire of the Sun, Colonel James Churchward believed a very sophisticated symbol language tells the story.  Evidence is found in the ruins of ancient civilizations in Central and South America, some Pacific islands and Southeast Asia.  The Polynesians found their way back to the Motherland, or what remains of it, we are aware of fossil records showing that the loulu were already here and flourishing on the mountain ranges that remained above the surface of the Pacific expanse.

About Bill Chang

I'm an artist, a farmer, and a writer. I live in Hana, Maui. My wife Anita and I have our studio and garden on the main (only) highway a mile and a half from the center of Hana.
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